Simple Script for Expo's Eas Build Notifications in Slack

Expo doesn’t currently have a way to send Slack updates when a build succeeds or fails. If you’re open to using Cloudflare workers then you’re in luck!

That being said, if you’d like to use this on any other service, that’s easy too! The most important part is the handleExpoStatus code block. This is just a plain javascript object that creates the right Slack message body for the webhook.

Note: Expo recommends you check that the endpoint is correctly secured so you can’t call it outside of your organizations context. I’m not using the SECRET_WEBHOOK_KEY in this example. According to Expo’s docs, you should be checking against a SECRET_WEBHOOK_KEY variable.

If your URL isn’t public, then you should be ok. I added a dumb check to make sure the object includes my team’s metadata. That being said, if somebody discovers this URL, you’ll quickly wake up to spam and change it :)

// replace this

async function sendSlackRequest({ text, blocks }) {
  const postToSlack = await fetch(SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL, {
    body: JSON.stringify({ text, blocks }),
    method: "POST",
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },

export default {
  async fetch(request, env) {
    if (request.method === "POST") {
      const body = await request.json()

      // dumb check to make sure the endpoint is correct
      if (body.accountName !== "My Team") {
        return new Response("heh")

      const slackPayload = handleExpoStatus(body)
      await sendSlackRequest(slackPayload)
      return new Response("ok")
    } else {
      return new Response("ok")

function handleExpoStatus(body) {
  if (body.platform === "ios" && body.status === "finished") {
    const url = `itms-services://?action=download-manifest;url=${body.appId}/builds/${}/manifest.plist`

    return {
      blocks: [
          type: "header",
          text: {
            type: "plain_text",
            text: ":apple-logo: Build completed successfully for iOS :ship_it_parrot:",
            emoji: true,
          type: "section",
          fields: [
              type: "mrkdwn",
              text: `*Build Profile*: ${body.metadata.buildProfile}\n*Version:* ${body.metadata.appVersion}\n*Build*: ${body.metadata.appBuildVersion}`,
          type: "actions",
          elements: [
              type: "button",
              text: {
                type: "plain_text",
                text: "Download IPA",
              url: body.artifacts.buildUrl,
              type: "button",
              text: {
                type: "plain_text",
                text: "Open Build Details Page",
              url: body.buildDetailsPageUrl,
          type: "image",
          image_url: `${encodeURIComponent(
          alt_text: "qr",

  if (body.platform === "android" && body.status === "finished") {
    return {
      blocks: [
          type: "header",
          text: {
            type: "plain_text",
            text: ":android-logo: Build completed successfully for Android :ship_it_parrot:",
            emoji: true,
          type: "section",
          fields: [
              type: "mrkdwn",
              text: `*Build Profile*: ${body.metadata.buildProfile}\n*Version:* ${body.metadata.appVersion}\n*Build*: ${body.metadata.appBuildVersion}`,
          type: "actions",
          elements: [
              type: "button",
              text: {
                type: "plain_text",
                text: "Download APK",
              url: body.artifacts.buildUrl,
              type: "button",
              text: {
                type: "plain_text",
                text: "Open Build Details Page",
              url: body.buildDetailsPageUrl,
          type: "image",
          image_url: `${encodeURIComponent(
          alt_text: "qr",

  if (body.platform === "ios" && body.status === "errored") {
    return {
      blocks: [
          type: "header",
          text: {
            type: "plain_text",
            text: ":apple-logo: Build failed for iOS :sob:",
            emoji: true,
          type: "section",
          fields: [
              type: "mrkdwn",
              text: `*Build Profile*: ${body.metadata.buildProfile}\n*Version:* ${body.metadata.appVersion}\n*Build*: ${body.metadata.appBuildVersion}`,
          type: "actions",
          elements: [
              type: "button",
              text: {
                type: "plain_text",
                text: "Open Build Details Page",
              url: body.buildDetailsPageUrl,

  if (body.platform === "android" && body.status === "errored") {
    return {
      blocks: [
          type: "header",
          text: {
            type: "plain_text",
            text: ":android-logo: Build failed for Android :sob:",
            emoji: true,
          type: "section",
          fields: [
              type: "mrkdwn",
              text: `*Build Profile*: ${body.metadata.buildProfile}\n*Version:* ${body.metadata.appVersion}\n*Build*: N/A`,
          type: "actions",
          elements: [
              type: "button",
              text: {
                type: "plain_text",
                text: "Open Build Details Page",
              url: body.buildDetailsPageUrl,
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